Stretch From Home



Stretch From Home is a collection of stretching routines geared towards anyone working from home. Browse several curated routines, complete with illustrated exercises, instructions, timing, reps and sets.


Given that a good number of desk workers continue to work from home, we find ourselves sitting (or standing) a lot throughout the day. Now with the privacy of the home office, we can easily take multiple small breaks to stretch, something that wasn’t always as easy in the office. With these stretching routines, we can feel more energetic throughout the day, plus prevent and target soreness in different parts of the body.

Users can go to anytime and fit in a quick stretch during their workday.


UI/UX Design, Front-end Development, Product Strategy, Marketing


Angular, HTML/CSS, Figma

Project Images


The homepage lists all stretching programs available to use, with a large, engaging tile layout that makes it easy to jump into a new program. We kept the site as simple as possible to be able to launch the product as quickly as possible.

Product Hunt Launch

We launched on Product Hunt to offer a helpful resource to others in the tech community. The post received 200 upvotes and two 5 star reviews.


This page let you browse through each exercise of the program, complete with an illustration of the exercise and the accompanying instructions.

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